@ARTICLE{Hin_The_2012, author = "Hincapié Londoño, Henry", title = "The inclusión onf afro-colombian and indigenous communities: a long road in the agenda of social revindications of country.", abstract = "From a group of authors, whose reflections are framed in tapies such as European coloniza­ tion, discrimination against afro-descendants and indigenous peoples and the transfarma­ tions given in the processes of modernization (particularly far Latin America and Colombia), this article reflects on which it calls "theinheritance to overcome", concerning discrimination and denial of the rights of minority communities and the challenges of a society that is just appropriating the idea of "diversity" as a valid alternative to defend what in essence we are: diverse.", year = 2012, publisher = "Universidad del Pacífico", url = "https://repositorio.unipacifico.edu.co/handle/unipacifico/655", }