Characterization of women mullusks gatherers of the Marorquín river.
Palacios, Carlos A. | 2012
This investigation, done by a group of Sodology students from "la Universidad del Pacífico" and directed by Magister Carlos Palacios, exposes the difficult conditions in which ene of the traditional activities is developed, harvesting mollusks especially "piangua" (black conch) in the South Pacific, where the family functions as a basic economic unit in which atl the members fulfill collaborative functions, generally non specialized, which allows to meet their survival needs. Therefore, the development of strate gies to obtain these products, in part, consti tutes a Project in which the family network is connected and reflects the strength that the ties of solidarity have in the construction ofthe afro-descenda1nt communities. This gives a substantive meaning to the economic relation ships that are generated in these communities. In the same way, it makes an analysis of the causes of impoverishment and health risks which women dedicated to this craft face, as well as, the negative effects of the impact of a capitalist economy in these rural communities